Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Law (company law) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law (company law) - Essay Example In the event that partners or external third parties decide to file a lawsuit, in actual sense they would be suing only the company with the exclusion of investors/stockholders. They are not held liable for such matters as loans as well as other debts owed by the company. In contrast to them, investors, general partners, and sole proprietors are considered to be liable for such business debts all through. Limited liability is fundamental in the exclusion of certain parties from being held liable for such liabilities. Limited liability companies have a lot of advantages that I would say, arguably, outweigh the disadvantages regarding the same. It is therefore advisable that Robert, Sarita, and Phillip to start convert their company ‘IN THE EVENT’ into a limited liability company. The respective advantages of a limited liability company are as follows. The mere existence of a limited liability company provides for the limited liability security or protection to its own members or owners. This could be arguably the most imperative advantage of this form of company. They are basically not personally accountable for the company’s business debts and liabilities. Creditors are legally crippled to pursue the personal assets (houses, savings, and etcetera) of the business’s stakeholders in order to earn back their business debts (Macintyre, 2010). This is in contrast to many other contrasting forms of business. The only liability that members have to bear is that for the amount that they are yet to pay on shares. In the event that things do go wrong, the only losses encountered by the members would be the value of shares as well as any loans made by the members to the company. However, there is an ambiguity. The protection of limited liability companies does not go as far as to cover frauds. In the unfortunate occasion that creditors incur losses via direct fraud, there is no limit to personal liability. A limited liability company

Monday, October 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast how Aristophanes depicts Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast how Aristophanes depicts Essay Aristophanes and Euripides were poets in Athens during the Peloponnesian War. They had very different writing styles. Euripides was the older and he wrote Greek Tragedy and Comedy. He was one of the three important tragedy writers of the time, the others were Aeschylus an Scophocles. Euripides introduced new methods of handling the traditional myths, for example he used realism in his subject matter and was interested in the way women thought and how they acted. This is shown in his plays Hippolytus and The Trojan Women. Aristophanes wrote comedies in which inventive situations and colourful language were typical. His poems were mainly concerned with situation which was topical at that time. He satirized politicians and scholars and parodied his fellow poets. He used political and social fantasy a great deal as in the womens sex strike in Lysistrata. Aristophanes wrote two parodies which featured the tragic poet Euripides. These were The Poet and the Women and the Frogs. Euripides died before Aristophanes wrote the Frogs and so he was able to make the parody greater. Aristophenes wrote The Poet and the Women while Euripides was still alive and a respected and famous author. Aristophanes was unable to resist making fun of him in his play. He portrayed him as a man who was clumsy and in fear for his life, This day is to decide whether Euripides is to live or die. (Page 102). This was because Euripides was being threatened by the women of Athens who wanted to kill him because his plays showed the worst side of women, the women are meeting up at the Thesmorporia today and theyre going to condemn me to death for slandering them (Page 106). Euripides knew that the Thesmophoria, a religious festival for women, was going to happen soon and he wanted to send a spy to find out how the women were plotting his death. Euripides, with the help of his friend Agathon, therefore, persuaded his elderly relative Mnesilochus to dress up a woman, lend me a dress and a headband for my friend here? You cant pretend that you dont possess such things (Page 108), and attend the ceremony. Mnesilochus was discovered by the women who captured him and threatened to burn him as they believed him to be a spy for Euripides. Mnesilochis remembering one of Euripides plays sent a message A trick out of one of his own plays, The Palamedes. Chap wrote a message on an oarblade (Page 125). Euripides came to the rescue as a character out of that play showing courage he did not have, Thou lookst like Menelaos. (Page 133). In The Frogs, Euripides has been dead for some time and is portrayed as manipulative and greedy, besides, Euripides will be readier to sneak away with me, hes a much more slippery customer (Page 159). The storyline is about the God of Wine, Dionysus, who travels to the underworld to find a poet who will increase Athenian morale and lead them to victory in the Peloponnesian War. After first consulting the hero, Hercules, to find a way to Hades You could go via Rope and Gibbet: thats a very quick way, if you dont mind hanging around for a bit, to begin with (page 160), he sets off with his servant. He arrives in Hades only to find out that position of the best poet in Hades was in dispute, Oh, theres great goings on among the dead these days, great goings on. Civil war, you might call it (Page 185). Aeschylus the older Athenian poet, who wrote at least 50 years before Aristophanes, was being challenged by Euripides, Well then along comes Euripides and start showing off to all the fellers weve got down here cut-throats, highwaymen, murders, burglars, regular rough lot they are, (Page 185) Euripides had the support of the bandits, rogues and the worst men in general while Aeschylus had the sole support of Sophocles, hes sent a message: with this contest coming on, he says, hell stand by for third man if Aeschylus wins hell just go on as before, but if Euripides wins hell take him on himself.(Page 186). Sophocles was a friend of Aristophanes. Dionysus decided that even though Euripides had more support, it was Aeschylus chosen to restore Athens to its former glory, Well in my heart of hearts I have known all the time. No question about it, the man for me is (Page 210). Euripides in The Poet and The Woman is extremely comical especially when he is playing his own tragic heroes as they have heroic qualities which he lacks, other than loyalty which he shows when he tries to rescues Mnesilochus from his Scythian captor. However, Euripides in The Frogs is more sinister and has the ability to manipulate the bandits and rogues. He is therefore portrayed as a demagogue, who were people who played on peoples fears to increase their own political power. Aristophanes depicts Euripides in these ways because I believe that Euripides and Aristophanes were not friends but poetic rivals that respected each other even though they did not agree with each others type of poetry. A version of Ancient Greek professional courtesy. I also feel that the political and social situation at the time that Aristophanes was writing influenced the way in which he portrayed him. Euripides in The Poet and The Woman is a reflection of his Euripidess personality in real-life but has been distorted to make the make the play comical. His clumsiness and cowardliness have been exaggerated for this end. Euripides shows how cowardly he is because he sends Mnesilochus to the Thesmophoria and not himself. His clumsiness is shown through his use of the Deux Ex Machina which he uses to create the parody of Perseus but he cant control it, He must be coming to save me: he wouldnt have flown by just to pass the time of day. (Page 136), and he flies back and forth. However, Euripides does show loyalty to his friends by attempting to rescue Mnesilochus.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shakespeares King Lear - Goneril and Cordelia in King Lear Essay

The Characters of Goneril and Cordelia in King Lear Nothing makes a story like a good villain, or in this case, good villainess. They are the people we love to hate and yearn to watch burn. Goneril, of Shakespeare’s King Lear, is no exception. Her evils flamed from the very beginning of the play with her lack of sincerity in professing her love for her father: "Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter; Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour; As much as child e'er loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable. Beyond all manner of so much I love you. (I.i. 56-62) One can just feel the insincerity and exaggeration in her words, perhaps even a touch of hatred that is bubbling like a volcano on the verge of explosion, which will wreak destruction on everyone and everything that gets in its path. Of course, Shakespeare does not disappoint. The volcano is actually a good analogy for this character, for she does exactly what is expected. Not only does her father feel her wrath, but also her own husband, the Duke of Albany, who she has killed; The Duke of Gloucester whose eyes get gauged out in her presence; her other sister, Regan, who she kills out of jealousy; and Goneril, herself, when she comes face to face with her true self. In regard to her role in the Elizabethan age, Goneril not only stood for evil, but also rebellion. She has rebelled against the accepted role for women by rebelling against both her father and husband. This reflects much of the theme of the play in that rebellion against accepted social order under mines that order, which leads to downfall and chaos. Ag... ...h the wicked prosper, and the virtuous miscarry . . . the audience will not always rise better pleased from the final triumph of persecuted virtue." What exactly was Cordelia's role in the play? Was she there as an angel - like character who made the distinction between good and evil more visible? Was she just thrown in as a little goody- goody who did no wrong, and maybe, to some degree, we were supposed to despise? Or was she there to make us more aware of a crumbling society where many things were opposite to what one might think it should be, with evil generally prevailing over the good (which to some degree is prophetic to today's society)? There are many theories surrounding this character in particular, and no one has reached a definitive conclusion as of late. The best one I can come up with, however, is simply the answer "Yes," to all of the above.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mental model mind set wk

This great idea is a big money maker for the company. Even though we are bout change we know there will be employees that will have doubts and concerns of this change, we are willing to take risks. A person's mental model/ mindset can be also known as ideas, beliefs, images, and verbal descriptions that we voluntarily or involuntarily form our own familiarities. Mental Models screens us to have facts and ideas that contest or disregard our intensely held views and offer internal steadiness in a world of constant transformation.Mental models are created over so many years of experience and colonization. Mental models are tough to transform if they become threatened in the mind (Wind, Crook, & Gunter, 2005, preface). Bud and Vernon has been with the business for many years. They have a mental mindset that is impossible to change. Mental models like them are known to be set in their ways. Bud and Version's behavior has made great impact on the company, so they are well respected and the y are also a great assess to the company.It may be difficult to get Vernon to agree to the expansion and to try getting Bud to be on board with competing with other business. Changing mental model/mindsets is constantly needed in an organization today. Subconsciously, it is a very difficult thing to do. Like Bud and Vernon, people must be eager to change their mental mindset for betterment of the company, even if there are risks involved. Taking certain phases to change can be a large enhancement on the quality of your performance.Understanding boundaries and authority of mental models should be the first steps our team should take at changing the mental mindsets of Vernon and bud so they could receive the proper information that they may come on board with the team. The second step the team should take is testing the relevance of mental models compared to the changing surroundings meaning o create new models. Introducing Bud and Vernon to this second phase can show them how brand n ew ideas can change the company compared to what they are already familiar with.Reshaping the framework, the thinking of others and by surpassing interferences to change is the third phase to changing a mental mindset. If we can get Bud and Vernon to identify their uncertainties of why they think the way they do then this would be valuable to the team. The fourth phase to changing a mental mindset is changing your perception by functioning swiftly on the new-fangled models, not stopping to irking out a method for valuing and supporting your models (Wind, Crook, & Gunter, 2005, preface).This should have Bud and Vernon to realize the limitations that they may have because of not accepting change can make them see how a new mindset can mean success for the company. Not having an open mind toward certain concerns can put boundaries and limitations on a person's mental mindset. Mental models mindsets can be impacted by Education also. Mental model mindsets are shape by our education and it also practices groundwork that outlines view of the world (Jacobs, 2013). New mental models are more tolerable to Other people if they are more educated than to people who not.If we educated Bud and Vernon on the new money bearing opportunities on incomes and the shipping production, this would undoubtedly be a great influence on their mindset. Training is more like education too. An employee receiving training may feel very important to the company. Training can enhance an employee's abilities in places that they are already good in. There are other extra services that impacts mental mindsets. Personal experiences and being influenced by others are extra services. Personal experiences can be tough to defeat because it can mold a person's personality.This makes AAA Transportation difficult to reason with. Even though Bud and Vernon could be exaggerated with a strong influential like this, so the team is working continuously to see to them overpowering the force. The most commonly used mental mindsets that guides my decision making are being able to unceasingly investigating and smearing a method for evaluating and reinforcing the mindsets of our models. Our team is allowed to learn to adapt and understand the changing environment by using this mindset.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Decision Making Process Paper

Decision-Making Process Paper MGT/230 June 26, 2011 Abstract The decision-making process has six stages. These stages consist of identifying and diagnosing the problem, generating alternative solutions, evaluating alternatives, making the choice, implementing the decision, and evaluate the decision. Choosing to go back to school and what school to attend was a problem that I had that needed to be figured out. I did not use the decision-making process; if I had I am not sure if my decision would have been the same. Deciding to go back to school was something I thought about for a few months but taking the steps to do so was something that only took an hour to do. The decision-making process has six stages but I may have only taken three of those steps in my process. The decision-making stages are to identify and diagnose the problem, generate alternative solutions, evaluate alternatives, make the choice, implement the decision, and evaluate the decision (Management, 2011). To identify and diagnose the problems means to recognize a problem or something he of she wants to do that exist and solve it. Generate alternative solutions can be divide into two categories, which are ready-made solutions and custom-made solutions. Ready made solutions are solutions you have tried before or advice from others with similar problems, and custom made solutions are solutions designed for a specific solution. Evaluate alternatives means deciding which solution will be best and which solution will fit the problem that you have. After considering all the solution, you will have to make a choice. Once you have made your choice, implement the decision. Implement the decision means to take action. Start the plan to solve your problem. The last stage is to evaluate the decision by collecting information on how well the decision is working. These are the six stages of the decision-making process. My problem was deciding ongoing back to school and which school to attend. My steps were to think about what would be best and my family in regard to me to go back to school, which school to go to, and apply to that school. My family was involved in y process because I wanted their input on everything that I did. My first step was to discuss the idea ongoing back to school, which to my family was not an issue because they believed that I had so much knowledge that I needed to do something with it, but I was hesitant because of my children. My second step was to decide which school to attend. The choice was between University of Phoenix and Gaston Community College. I choice these two schools because my stepmother goes to Phoenix and she advis ed me it would be a good opportunity. Gaston Community College was a suggestion my boyfriend had because it was close to where I lived but the only problem was my children were not in daycare, so who would be able to watch them and I was in school. Another problem was they did not offer any online programs that year in my field. My decision was easy because I thought of my children first. The last step I took was applying to University of Phoenix. I did not take the same steps as the decision-making process contains but I may have taken a few. I did identify that I had a problem, came up with solutions, make a choice and implemented my decision. The decision-making process has six steps, but I only used four of those steps in my process. If I had used the decision-making process my decision may be different. If I had thought about every detail of my life, for example, my children going to school this year, I may have chosen the community college because it would have been convenient at the time. Also if I had taken the steps to talk to daycares about putting my youngest child in one, I would not have to worry about finding a babysitter when I went to school. The decision-making process would have made me ask questions about what I wanted and what I could do. The process also would have allowed me to evaluate my decision and determine if a community college would have been right. My problem was going back to school and which school to attend. I may not have followed the decision-making process but I do believe I have made the right choice. The decision-making process has six stages: identify and diagnose the problem, generate alternative solutions, evaluate alternatives, make the choice, implement the decision, and evaluate the decision. The decision-making process can be very effective if one were to use it. Reference Bateman, T. S. , and Snell, S. A (2011). Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World (9th e. d. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Popular Science Article Example

Popular Science Article Example Popular Science Article – Article Example 1. Popular science article Find a popular science article relating to a topic that we have, or will cover in this semester.  Ã‚  This article can come from a newspaper (ex: New York Times Science section), magazine, popular science magazine (ex: Scientific American) or online science news website.  Ã‚  After reading this article, turn in a copy of the article or article web address along with a  1-page  document where you:1. Summarize the article and explain how it relates to the material we’ve covered (will cover) in class2. Explain what you learned by reading the article, or explain why you agree/disagree with the article.3. Explain why this article was written.  Ã‚  (In other words, why is this information important for the public?)  Obesity is one of the most daunting issues that continues to haunt the American society. Despite all the evolutions that occurred in the fitness industry, it is clear that obesity continues to plague American society. Obesity, like other health- related behaviors is one of the chief causes for disability. Obesity is not a simple disease resulted from one factor. But it is rather a chronic condition that develops as a result of genetic, behavioral and environmental factors. In addition, it is associated with heart disease, heart stroke, high blood pressure, and even cancer. Undoubtedly, obesity is sky high as two-thirds of the American population is obese. It is evident that children in this current generation has a shorter life expectancy due to high rates of obesity as opposed to children 2 decades ago, which is highly shocking. Without a doubt, obesity is a prevalent problem that is detrimental to society and must be addressed for the health and the wealth of the future generations. I completely agree with the author as she tries to warn her readers about how obesity can be a huge obstacle for the younger generation. With all the advent in the supplement industry, it is quite sad that majority of the society is obese. One of the key points I learned in this article is the fact that there is science behind nutrition that individuals can acquire. Eating the right amount of food and exercising can literally dynamically diminish the health related risks of individuals.The article was clearly written to foreshadow the future of the young generation which is constantly being bombarded with â€Å"supersized meals.† If the younger generation understands the consequences of their nutritional habits, they are more like to modify their lifestyle that can benefit their health. In addition, the younger generation understands the importance of having a good sex appeal, which can push the youth to eat healthy, exercise and adapt a healthy lifestyle. For instance, the education system and the food industry clearly promote an unhealthy eating habits couple with no physical activity for children. It is evident that these factors are key elements towards the rise of obesity rates in society, which must be addressed as society progresses to the 21st century.KOLATA, GINA. "Overweight - Symptoms, Causes, Tests - NY Times Health Information ."  Health News - The New York Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2011.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Summary of South African Apartheid

A Summary of South African Apartheid Though youve likely heard about South African apartheid doesnt mean you know  its full history or how the system of racial segregation actually worked. Read on to improve your understanding and see how it overlapped  with Jim Crow in the United States. A Quest  For Resources The European presence in South Africa  dates back to the 17th century when the Dutch East India Company established the Cape Colony outpost. Over the next three centuries, Europeans, primarily of British and Dutch origin, would expand their presence in South Africa to pursue the land’s abundance of natural resources such as diamonds and gold. In 1910, whites founded the Union of South Africa, an independent arm of the British Empire that gave the white minority control of the country and disenfranchised blacks. Although South Africa was majority black, the white minority passed a series of land acts that resulted in them occupying 80 to 90 percent of the country’s land. The 1913 Land Act unofficially launched apartheid by requiring the black population to live on reserves. Afrikaner Rule Apartheid officially became a way of life in South Africa in 1948, when  the Afrikaner National Party came into power after heavily promoting the racially stratified system. In Afrikaans, apartheid means â€Å"apartness† or â€Å"separateness.†Ã‚  More than 300 laws led to apartheid’s establishment in South Africa. Under apartheid, South Africans were categorized into four racial groups: Bantu (South African natives), colored (mixed-race), white and Asian (immigrants from the Indian sub-continent.) All South Africans over the age of 16 were required to carry racial identification cards. Members of the same family often were categorized as different racial groups under the apartheid system. Apartheid not only banned interracial marriage but also sexual relations between members of different racial groups, just as miscegenation was banned in the United States. During apartheid, blacks were required to carry passbooks at all times to allow them entry into public spaces reserved for whites. This occurred after the enactment of the Group Areas Act in 1950. During the Sharpeville Massacre  a decade later, nearly 70 blacks were killed and nearly 190 wounded when police opened fire on them for refusing to carry their passbooks. After the massacre, leaders of the African National Congress, which represented the interests of black South Africans, adopted violence as a political strategy. Still, the military arm of the group did not seek to kill, preferring to use violent sabotage as a political weapon. ANC leader Nelson Mandela explained this during the famous 1964 speech he gave after being jailed for two years for inciting a strike. Separate and Unequal Apartheid limited the education the Bantu received. Because apartheid laws reserved skilled jobs for whites exclusively, blacks were trained in schools to perform manual and agricultural labor but not for skilled trades. Fewer than 30 percent of black South Africans had received any kind of formal education whatsoever by 1939. Despite being natives of South Africa, blacks in the country were relegated to 10 Bantu homelands after the passage of the Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act of 1959. Divide and conquer appeared to be the purpose of the law. By splitting up the black population, the Bantu could not form a single political unit in South Africa and wrest control from the white minority. The land blacks lived on was sold to whites at low costs. From 1961 to 1994, more than 3.5 million people were forcibly removed from their homes and deposited in the Bantustans, where they were plunged into poverty and hopelessness. Mass Violence The South African government made international headlines when authorities killed hundreds of black students peacefully protesting apartheid in 1976. The slaughtering of the students came to be known as the Soweto Youth Uprising. Police killed anti-apartheid activist Stephen Biko in his jail cell in September 1977. Biko’s story was chronicled in the 1987 film â€Å"Cry Freedom,† starring Kevin Kline and Denzel Washington. Apartheid Comes to a Halt The South African economy took a significant hit in 1986 when the United States and Great Britain imposed sanctions on the country because of its practice of apartheid. Three years later F.W. de Klerk became president of South Africa and dismantled many of the laws that allowed apartheid to become the way of life in the country. In 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison after serving 27 years of a life sentence. The following year South African dignitaries repealed the remaining apartheid laws and worked to establish a multiracial government. De Klerk and Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for their efforts to unify South Africa. That same year, South Africa’s black majority won rule of the country for the first time. In 1994, Mandela became South Africa’s first black president. Sources  Apartheid History Timeline: On Nelson Mandela’s Death, A Look Back At South Africa’s Legacy Of Racism Postcolonial Studies at Emory University Apartheid - Facts and History

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Guide to Shanghainese

A Guide to Shanghainese Since Shanghai is in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), the official language of the city is standard Mandarin Chinese, also known as  Putonghua. However, the traditional language of the Shanghai region is Shanghainese, which is a dialect of Wu Chinese which is not mutually intelligible with Mandarin Chinese. Shanghainese is spoken by about 14 million people. It has retained its cultural significance for the Shanghai region, despite the introduction of Mandarin Chinese as the official language in 1949. For many years, Shanghainese was banned from primary and secondary schools, with the result that many young residents of Shanghai do not speak the language. Recently, however, there has been a movement to protect the language and to reintroduce it into the education system. Shanghai Shanghai is the largest city in the PRC, with a population of more than 24 million people. It is a major cultural and financial center and an important port for container shipments. The Chinese characters for this city are ä ¸Å Ã¦ µ ·, which is pronounced ShnghÇŽi. The first character ä ¸Å  (shng) means on, and the second character æ µ · (hÇŽi) means ocean. The name ä ¸Å Ã¦ µ · (ShnghÇŽi) adequately describes the location of this city, since it is a port city on the mouth of the Yangtze River by the East China Sea. Mandarin vs Shanghainese Mandarin and Shanghainese are distinct languages which are mutually unintelligible. For example, there are 5 tones in Shanghainese versus only 4 tones in Mandarin. Voiced initials are used in Shanghainese, but not in Mandarin. Also, changing tones affects both words and phrases in Shanghainese, while it only affects words in Mandarin. Writing Chinese characters are used to write Shanghainese. The written language is one of the most important factors in unifying the various Chinese cultures, since it can be read by most Chinese, regardless of their spoken language or dialect. The primary exception to this is the split between traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Simplified Chinese characters were introduced by the PRC in the 1950s, and can differ greatly from the traditional Chinese characters still used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and many overseas Chinese communities. Shanghai, as part of the PRC, uses simplified characters. Sometimes Chinese characters are used for their Mandarin sounds to write Shanghainese. This type of Shanghainese writing is seen on Internet blog posts and chat rooms as well as in some Shanghainese textbooks. Decline of Shanghainese From the early 1990s, the PRC banned Shanghainese from the education system, with the result that many of the young residents of Shanghai no longer speak the language fluently. Because the younger generation of Shanghai residents has been educated in Mandarin Chinese, the Shanghainese they speak is often mixed with Mandarin words and expressions. This type of Shanghainese is quite different from the language that older generations speak, which has created fears that real Shanghainese is a dying language. Modern Shanghainese In recent years, a movement has started to try to preserve the Shanghai language by promoting its cultural roots. The Shanghai government is sponsoring educational programs, and there is a movement to reintroduce Shanghainese language learning from kindergarten through to university. Interest in preserving Shanghainese is strong, and many young people, even though they speak a mixture of Mandarin and Shanghainese, see Shanghainese as a badge of distinction. Shanghai, as one of the most important cities of the PRC, has important cultural and financial ties with the rest of the world. The city is using those ties to promote Shanghai culture and the Shanghainese language.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Literary analysis of Morality and Macbeth Research Paper

Literary analysis of Morality and Macbeth - Research Paper Example at the play`s end, the actions of Macbeth have directly caused the deaths of Banquo, King Duncan, Lady Macduff, her kids and servants, many soldiers, young Siward, and eventually his own death. All these destructions resulted from immoral actions in the name of accomplishing ambition. This play has revealed how destiny and fate (idea of futurism) can have somewhat harmful effects if individuals become over ambitious to the level of being greedy. Key characters in the play acted immorally by lying, killing, betraying their own king and eventually deceiving their entire country. As such, justice was fairly served to them, a lesson learned by the entire audience of Shakespeare. This paper explores, stride by stride, every immoral act in the play and how they were eventually paid by the individuals who committed those immoralities. William Shakespeares Macbeth portrays morality through unwarranted ambitions. Macbeth is  centered on how greed and ambition can override morality and overpower human nature.  The natural desire of all leaders to broaden their political power, like Macbeth, transforms all over the play from desire to ambition,  and to aberration and greed. This unnatural wish for power is the driving force which possesses the key characters regularly and with calamitous consequences. Macbeth is initially portrayed as a leader with moral qualities. The  audience can nearly find itself feeling sorry concerning his erosion towards madness. This reveals that ambition is more powerful, stronger, and more significant than Macbeth himself, therefore ambition in itself  serves to erode morals in the play. As evidenced in Macbeth, many levels of morality may be found in the society. William Shakespeare is well known as a good judge of character, and in his play Macbeth, Shakespeare depicts characte rs to three major types of morality:

IT Evolution in Global Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

IT Evolution in Global Banking - Essay Example so access their bank accounts, withdraw cash, pay bills, get bank statements, deposit cash and even buy products without having to visit their bank branches. Indeed, what technology has facilitated is the reduction of physical conduct between the customer and the banker bringing in a new phenomenon known as virtual banking. Information technology can offer a bank a competitive edge over other banks (Singer, Ross & Avery 2005) The internet invention was the greatest breakthrough for banks in carrying out their transactions with customers (Wanderi 2012). As internet access is enhanced, more and more banks are turning to online banking services. Such services are more convenient to customers and the banker, they also save time and costs and increase efficiency. Banks that do not adopt technology are likely to be unpopular among the customer base. Automated teller machines, television banking, virtual banking, internet banking, mobile banking, online pay bill, mobile commerce, social media payments, credit cards and debit cards are some of the examples of how technology is changing the banking industry (Kendrick 2011). This paper will discuss the evolution of information technology in the banking industry with emphasis on internet banking, growth of e-commerce and virtual banking and new delivery channels such as PC banking, mobile banking and TV banking. The most important concept is the internet. In early years of internet, banks normally used the internet for internal purposes such as publishing of corporate data and offerings. At this time, internet was mainly used in banking as a tool of information dissemination to customers and the general public. This was then followed by banking internet services such as checking account balances online, paying utility bills online and online transfer of funds. Many banks feared transacting over the internet because of the security threats. However, with the growth in software and information technology infrastructure many

Friday, October 18, 2019

Starbucks Issues and Solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Starbucks Issues and Solutions - Essay Example Certain solutions for resolving the ethical dilemma of becoming a curator of popular culture for Starbuck’s are presented here. First are the alleged financial links to the Israeli government. The strategies used by boycott organizers to generate awareness for their campaign and to manage media usage to target desired audiences are also discussed (Knudsen, K., Aggarwal & P. Maamoun, A. 2008). Starbucks was targeted because of its CEO’s comments on Israel-Palestinian conflict issue. Starbucks was the prime target of an Arab boycott after remarks CEO Howard Shultz made in Seattle. Boycott strategies have been classified into three domains: awareness, media, and targeting. Many people have begun to regard Starbucks’ corporate image as snooty. Customers are of diverse ethnic, income and age groups (Cherian, C., Dasgupta, N. & Doreswamy, A. G., 2007). Starbucks has learned to embrace the diversity and provide better customer service. Every campaign is approved through a panel about potential issues the adjusted based on its recommendations. The best course of action is a method of strategic cooperation (Mahapatra, S. & Saklani, A., 2007). Three things can trigger boycott calls: government actions, corporate actions, and individual actions. Starbucks should respond to rumors, distance itself from controversial issues, making charitable contributions, emphasize local connections, demonstrate the impact on the local economy, localize the marketing mix and influence government actions.

Green Zone Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Green Zone - Dissertation Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that as the primary target of Urbanwell is to develop a facility that will have a positive impact on the living standard of the community and harness a culture of growth and development. Another aspect of paramount importance is the sustainability of the facility that is to be developed, as this venture does not consider financial profit making as its prime motive. But the self-generation and regulation of finance will provide stability to the social enterprise. Urbanwell is a charity organisation and being cost effective in its service charges is of utmost importance as well and this aspect will completely change the business and operational model of the enterprise. Lastly and most importantly the element of risk must be minimum as we are aware of the fact that the profit margin is going to be very short and so will be a recovery time incase a loss is faced. Hence all actions must be analysed and counterproductive actions m ust be highlighted and eliminated. Concluding, what Urbanwell requires is facility that is cost effective both to the end user and establishment, sustainable on economic, environmental, cultural grounds and provide progressive and healthy growth to the community. For these reasons we as development consultants propose that Urbanwell must make its investment of about  £ 3.5 Million in developing â€Å"Green Zone†.... According to the report 25 percent of boys and 33 percent of girls aged between 2 and 19 years are overweight or obese. Then more than 60 percent of adult males will be stated as obese by 2050.Whereas more than 50 percent of overweight children will become overweight adults. But the most distressing fact is that the amount of direct health service costs from obesity will increase 7 times by 2050 and it is to be noted that at present 45 Billion Pounds is spent on curative measures of obesity and obesity related illness. The statistics mentioned above are a clear indicative and propose themselves that we should seriously take some appropriate actions to safeguard our youth and preserve our future from the damage. We suggest that in order to create a healthy environment. We must develop facilities which provide both awareness and solution to the problem. For which we have come up with an idea of â€Å"Green Zone† whose aim would be to change the diet plan and eating habits of chi ldren in an interactive and unique manner. The marketing of Green Zone will not only help in increasing the sales of the company but will also aid in creating awareness of the problems associated with bad eating habits and illness. GreenZone would be working under the slogan of â€Å"Great Health is Great wealth†. It is to be noted that the Department of Health has come to a conclusion that the 71 million times UK children snack while traveling to and from school each week. This is a clear indicative of the potential market that we are going to focus. What we at Greenzone aim at is that firstly create awareness among people in general and mothers in specific that green and healthy diet is very

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analyzing Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing Change - Essay Example ld scenario is also redefining the political and economic equations that may have significant impact on the socio economic front of America in the near future. The probability cannot be discounted because history has been a witness to total extinction of great empires of the world and the civilizations that have perished without leaving any trace. Learning survival techniques from the history is not only important but necessary if we are to maintain our socio-economical supremacy in the fast changing socio economic values across the countries. According to the author, there are five factors that may have been responsible for complete disappearance of the civilization in the past: damages that the people have inflicted on their environment; climate change; enemies; changes in friendly trading partners; and the society’s political, economic and social responses to these shifts. The author has quoted the cases of fall of Polynesian and Maya civilizations. Maya civilization of Yucatan peninsula and Central America, has been one of the most advanced and highly sophisticated but by 910 A.D their societies collapsed as a result of power struggles among the various kings resulting in damages to the environment and poor management of natural resources that culminated in total wipe out of the civilization. The Polynesian societies in Pitcairn and Henderson islands, despite having vast natural resources, were destroyed mainly because of the fact that they depended on their import of canoes, crops food etc. on Mangarevan island and once the Mangarevan island trade collapsed due to environmental damages, Polynesian societies suffered the same fate and perished. On the other hand, societies in Japan, Tonga, Tikopia, New Guinea, Central and north-east Europe survived and flourished through the centuries. The main reason for this was that they anticipated the changes in environmental degradation and made efforts to combat that with appropriate strategies and innovative

External and Internal Environments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 9

External and Internal Environments - Essay Example From this study it is clear that people bewildered by the business strategy of the company which lead to the rapid upsurge of Starbucks. The rapid growth of the Starbucks has made rivals challenging to match the speedy success. The prime purpose of the company is to maintain old-fashioned way of making coffee by creating a culture of belonging and warmth with implementation of new technology. Furthermore, these values and mission can help to retain old customers and attract new customers.This paper highlights that the general environment of the company is defined as the conditions and factors that are uncontrollable and can affect everyone in a market or industry. It is difficult for a firm to control forces affecting the general environment. Moreover, the evaluation of the general environment can benefit companies to identify future opportunities and predict changes. There are seven segment of general environment which includes demographic, legal, technological, sociocultural, globa l and economic segments. It is pivotal for Starbucks Corporation to assess the changes and continually monitor necessity changes for the benefit of organization. Two segments that can effectively influence Starbucks Corporation are technological and economic environment.  Emergence of technological advancement has forced organization to innovate to sustain in the market. The capture of Chinese market has been one of the prime objectives of Starbucks Corporation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analyzing Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyzing Change - Essay Example ld scenario is also redefining the political and economic equations that may have significant impact on the socio economic front of America in the near future. The probability cannot be discounted because history has been a witness to total extinction of great empires of the world and the civilizations that have perished without leaving any trace. Learning survival techniques from the history is not only important but necessary if we are to maintain our socio-economical supremacy in the fast changing socio economic values across the countries. According to the author, there are five factors that may have been responsible for complete disappearance of the civilization in the past: damages that the people have inflicted on their environment; climate change; enemies; changes in friendly trading partners; and the society’s political, economic and social responses to these shifts. The author has quoted the cases of fall of Polynesian and Maya civilizations. Maya civilization of Yucatan peninsula and Central America, has been one of the most advanced and highly sophisticated but by 910 A.D their societies collapsed as a result of power struggles among the various kings resulting in damages to the environment and poor management of natural resources that culminated in total wipe out of the civilization. The Polynesian societies in Pitcairn and Henderson islands, despite having vast natural resources, were destroyed mainly because of the fact that they depended on their import of canoes, crops food etc. on Mangarevan island and once the Mangarevan island trade collapsed due to environmental damages, Polynesian societies suffered the same fate and perished. On the other hand, societies in Japan, Tonga, Tikopia, New Guinea, Central and north-east Europe survived and flourished through the centuries. The main reason for this was that they anticipated the changes in environmental degradation and made efforts to combat that with appropriate strategies and innovative

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Applying Balanced Scorecard Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Applying Balanced Scorecard - Assignment Example First, a balanced score card can be used in the financial category to help evaluate information on key financial performance measurements. Such measurements include: risk assessment analysis and cost and benefit analysis. Secondly, a balanced scorecard can help the organization assess their performance when it comes to the business process. A business scorecard gauges how a company is running when compared to the organization’s mission. As far as the learning and growth perspective of an organization is concerned, a company can evaluate its performance using two measures. First, the availability of trainers and mentors in an organization and secondly, the availability of help if needed by the employees. In the customer category, metrics on evaluating a customer’s satisfaction are crucial in monitoring the organization’s performance. In this category, questionnaires can be used to evaluate customer’s satisfaction. Customer complaints should also be checked, as this will definitely have an impact on future business

Monday, October 14, 2019

Modernism in poetry Essay Example for Free

Modernism in poetry Essay Modernism. It is a direction of poetry, literature and art in general that uses and describes new and distinctive features in the subjects, forms, concepts and styles of literature and the other arts in the early decades of the present century, but especially after World War I. (Abrams 167) More often than not Modernism engages in deliberate and radical break (Abrams 167) with more traditional foundation of art and culture, established since XIX century. Here two poets of modernist age – T. S. Elliot and H. Crane – are compared to T. Hardy and G. M. Hopkins, a pair of contemporary classical poets. I’d like to begin the study with T. S. Elliot, the famous poet whose very name sounds like a synonym to word â€Å"modernism†. Elliot was and is the personification of modernism, and images and verses from his poems are remembered even today, and integrated in today works of literature and fiction. One can remember Steven King’s â€Å"Dark Tower† saga where images of Elliot’s works resurface frequently – in fact, one of King’s volumes of that saga is called â€Å"The Waste Lands†, obviously inspired by Elliot’s . For example, Elliot’s â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock† had brought us a vision of a man whose world had split in and around himself, a lost person in search of love which can only be destructive and formidable for him. Since he is confined in the abyss of his own consciousness, reality is merely some kind of emotional experience for him. He can still observe the world around him, but psychologically he is alone, in the waste lands of unfertility and spiritual emptiness. Prufrock (the epitome of Elliot himself, or the reader) lets his thoughts and sentiments drift off incoherently. The external world around him, to which he is so sardonic, reflects his inner world, deprived of spiritual serenity. As he cannot get involved in a dialogue with the external world, only through the dramatic monologue can Prufrock whisper his intention : Let us go then, you and I† (Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 242). Elliot wanted his hero (and the reader) to compare himself with a character of Dante’s â€Å"Inferno†. But while they are alike, their fates are different: While Guido has at least the courage to open up to Dante, Prufrock is too complacent and too inert to make that effort. His only confident can be his alter ego – a distorted reflection of himself in the mirror of outside world. He sees this person, and begs to him for unification – as if there can be an answer different from the one he gives himself†¦ Prufrock’s wisdom of the ages he seems to feel returns to him as cruel mockery. What, indeed, could be the meaning of â€Å"life, universe and everything† (D. Adams), if .. one, settling a pillow, or throwing off a shawl, And turning toward the window, should say: That is not it at all, That is not what I meant, at all. (Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 245). That Prufrocks mawkish and evasive nature is shattered is delineated in the last ten lines of the poem. As the recurrent images of and references to the sea (silent seas, mermaids, seagirls†) crop up more and more, Prufrocks self-evasion becomes more marked. His psychic para1yis culminates when he realizes that even the mermaids will not do him a favor by singing to him; thus, all his source of possible inspiration fades away. (Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 245). He has never rea1ly been a religious man: he cannot, thus, expect Christ to restore him to a potent life, as was Lazarus restored to his. It is no wonder that while Prufrock is felt to be an epitome to all society of his times – so brilliant and so exquisitely empty inside. In modern times, his words had been referenced to in mockery by one of the most horrible machines the human mind had ever invented, Blaine the Mono: â€Å"In the rooms the people come and go. But I doubt that any of them is talking of Michelangelo† (King). Elliot’s other masterpiece, Gerontion, depicts a dream of memory. While Prufrock is at least â€Å"here† (even if he is unsure of his own location in the world), Gerontion’s hero is the time itself, sifted through the sieve of human memory. The observer is neither here not there, but the remains of memory, the dregs of time are spread before him – an enchanting display, but meaningless essentially. Elliot seems to ask – would the dregs of our own memory, if spread before some stranger, mean as little to him as these remains of one’s time mean to us now? All Elliot’s images are dark, broody and disturbing. They imply to ask – is it all? Can there be anything else around us, or are we lost eternally in the world which wasn’t mean for us? And, as Elliot hadn’t answered that questions himself, each reader must substitute his own answers and test their validity on Elliot’s words of man, world and time. Hart Crane is other example of modernist poets, his images are less brooding than Elliot’s and more defined, but the power they wield over us is intensified by their hidden meanings, unseen at first glance. Crane’s â€Å"Black Tambourineâ€Å" reflects on author’s own experience of time spent with some negro workers in a cellar. But the cellar expands in author’s view to the size of the whole world, and its closed door becomes the famous wall of the three Biblical judgments – MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN: â€Å"numbered, weighed and found wanting†. All universe seems to be contained between â€Å"here and now† – the dark cellar with tambourine on the wall – and mystical â€Å"somewhere†, where all human hopes end as â€Å"carcass, quick with flies† (Black Tambourine). â€Å"At Melvilles Tomb† brings dark and melancholy beneath which a memory of forces lingers that were bright and vicious once before – before the Death took its toll, equaling the furious Ahab and unnamed sailor. The image of the sea is indefinite and vague too, for it can be perceived as deep grave, or Death itself, or Sea of Time which will eventually give endless calm to every living being. In all modernist poetry, the concept of such multipart images and veiled references was honed and detailed up to its perfection. Now this is an instrument which is frequently used in literature and other spheres of life, such as advertising, but in times of T. S. Elliot and H. Crane it was a powerful innovation with which readers were stunned literarily. To compare with modernist poetry of Elliot and Crane, classical works by T. Hardy and G. M. Hopkins are selected. The classical English poetry of Thomas Hardy is more structured both in rhythm and meaning than modernist examples of Elliot and Crane. His poetry can be called â€Å"methodic†, for he explains methodically the one symbol which forms a poem. He explains it, details it, brings it before our eyes in maddeningly realistic manner, until the reader not simply understands it, but is enthralled by its vision. â€Å"Neutral tones† brings us a vision of lost love which turned into deadliness – the blank neutrality which opposes love and joy and happiness of life. The feelings deepen further with each stanza – from tranquility to blankness, to melancholy, and finally to utter despair. The concluding stanza forms the moral of the poem, adding to the finality of the sentence – what is lost in time, can never be found again. â€Å"The Darkling Thrush† is an example of more hopeful vision. Dedicated to the coming century, it is full with dark images of definite meaning: the gate as the gate of a new age (or a new Century), frost and Winter as Death itself that comes to all, and the land becomes a body which dies together with Century, for its time has passed. But the mere voice of the thrush changes the picture, illuminating it with some inner light of â€Å"blessed Hope†. And, while the reader (as the man who stands at the gates) is yet unaware of a definite knowledge of that Good Sign that only the bird has, he still accepts the bird’s song as a sign that there is hope for the future. Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins is yet another example of what classics had to offer then. His images are as definite as Hardy’s, if somewhat more fluent, and the moral is present too in his poems. â€Å"Spring and Fall† shows Margaret – a young girl who had realized for the first time that all things in life change and eventually die, that life is not permanent. A child’s mind can grasp concepts at levels they are not aware of, and understand something without ever having it explained. It is simple because of the innocent way the child absorbs the life itself. As an adult, one can see a subject or idea in a completely different way by viewing it through the eyes of a child. In the poem, Margaret looks at death and understands it symbolically, through the death of leaves to her own imminent demise. â€Å"God’s Grandeur† is another example of short and conclusive classical poetry. The tension in scenes of man-made destruction, pictured with vivid detail, is intensified by alliteration. Disturbing images of oozing oil and ever-repeating trod of countless generations result in deep, uncontrolled fear. But the conclusion opposes all said before by references to never-ending nature and God as its creator and protector. It states to us that God will as surely brings life after death and resurrection after destruction, as each day he brings the morning light after the dark of night. From fear of Man to hope in God – that is the meaning of the poem in general. To conclude the work, one should remind that modernist poets had learned to use their images from classical poetry. But, taking the basic elements and images from their predecessors, their works had transcended from single pictures (or contented stories explained to reader part by part) to grandiose intertwined canvases, full of elements and colors, or bottomless abysses of veiled hints and allusions. Certainly, the works of classics had formed the foundation for these magnificent creations of modernist poets, and without them the whole modernism in English literature would not be able to exist or progress. Works Cited Abrams M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wilson, 1941 Hardy, Thomas. Wessex poems and other verses. New York: Harper, 1898. Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. London: Humphrey Milford, 1918. King, Stephen. The Waste Lands. Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc, 1991. Simon, Marc. The Complete Poems of Hart Crane. New York: Liveright, 1986. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. New York and London:W. W. Norton Company, 1988

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Microsoft Sharepoint Literature Review Computer Science Essay

Microsoft Sharepoint Literature Review Computer Science Essay In this chapter, the author will do research on the literature review on Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0, Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, and Microsoft Forefront Security for Document Libraries. In this chapter the author will discuss about the overview, pros and cons for the software had listed. 1.2 Overview of Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft SharePoint is developing by Microsoft to use for manages the information and allows users to work in a web-based collaborative software. The Microsoft SharePoint actually got a lot of feature example like manage information, share files, customize and work with office applications. Now in the market normally user will use got two versions, one is Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and another is Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). By these two versions has introduced a lot of new features and technologies compared with the previous version Microsoft SharePoint Services 2.0, these two version not only add new features and also increase the productivity, reliability, manageability, and security for the Microsoft SharePoint product. The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) can only running on Windows Server. For this project, the author has chosen Windows Server 2008 to become the main operating system plat form because the new Windows Server 2008 has improved capabilities of the management, security, reliability, and the performance of the web application. For the most improvement center of the Windows Server 2008 are in the system tools of the Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, Windows PowerShell, and the Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V. The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 got a lot of different. Those different got some feature Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got but the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have. The details of the different between Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) will be discussed on the later chapter. 1.2.1 Comparison of Microsoft SharePoint version Microsoft SharePoint had released few versions for this product. There are some different improvements between few of them. The author had decided to do some comparison between the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007. In this comparison, the author will do all the comparison about those new things and features by these two Microsoft SharePoint versions. Collaboration The collaboration of the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) actually is the same dont have the big different and all the feature of collaboration is help to team of member to keep in touch and easy to use to the all team members. If the team member easy to connected and easy to provide access to the people, document and all those information it will can be more informed decision to get all those job done. The main features of the collaboration actually got 12. In these 12 got included the Issue tracking, document collaboration, surveys, task coordination, email integration, calendars, people and groups lists, blogs, wikis, standard site templates, real-time presence and communication, and the last one is social networking web part. For the last main features is most important one, because in this feature is to use about your organization, communities and electronic communications in the website to connection between colleagues or team member so at the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is dont have this feature compare to the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). Enterprise Portal As the author see from the name of the enterprise portal can know the feature is for enterprise use, so will got many feature Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0 (WSS) dont have but the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) will got. The enterprise portal is talk about the designing, deploying, and the managing enterprise intranet network and the extranet network. First of all, author would like to show is both Microsoft SharePoint versions also got those features first. Both Microsoft SharePoint versions got those features got mobile device support, integration with Microsoft Access 2007/ Excel 2007/ Word 2007/ Outlook 2007, and the last one is integration with SharePoint Designer. Now the author would like to show those features Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have but the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got this kind of features. The first is my personal site, the personal site is to aggregate all those information and the enhancement about this feature is all at the privacy, social networking, and the documents roll up web part. For the feature of content syndication is using the RSS to syndicate content managed, the audience targeting feature is to use the web part pages to content the target distribution lists and groups in addition to SharePoint audiences. The feature of colleagues and memberships web parts is to li st down all the people to let those user know who belong to which groups, the feature of portal site templates is to customization, deployment all those intranet portal sites and extranet portal sites. For the site feature got two, first is site directory and another is site manager. The site directory it will automatic create a site map and present to a easy format to use it, and the site manager is to manage the SharePoint sites security access, navigation and the general look to easy to use it. For the last two features of enterprise portal are privacy and security, and user profiles and profile store. The privacy and security is using some authorization to control who can view my some information in my site. The last one is user profile and the profile store; for this feature is improvement include security control and the multi-valued properties bound to taxonomy from Office SharePoint Server 2007. Enterprise Search Enterprise Search is can say is a powerful tools to let all the member to finish their job by using enterprise search to search all information there want. For the last time need a lot of time to find out all the information, go here go there to find out. But now just using the enterprise search already can search all those information you want cross the entire desktop search with the fast intranet searching capabilities, and most anywhere in your organization. For this tool only got two features is available for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS), why just got two features is available for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS)? Because the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is not suitable for enterprise use so just will got normal function for this version. The normal function for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) got User Interface and Search Result, as we can see the name of the feature already know the function and how to use it, so now the author would like to show the 7 different features between Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have. For the 7 features got Enterprise Content Sources, Relevance, Administration and Management, Indexing Controls, Security, People Search, and the last one is Business Date Search. The feature of Enterprise Content Sources is can scan over 200 types of file a cross many enterprise content sources including all the website, SharePoint site, or the Exchange Public Folder. Anoth er feature is Security, got this feature is no longer required crawler to the administrator permissions, the security-trimmed search results only allow user to see those content they are allow to access. For the Business Data Search is using the Business Data Catalog application as a search result in a SharePoint list. The People search capabilities not just search on different group or job is also can search based on their interest or expertise. The Administration and Management feature is do a lot of improvement, those improvements got like various search, indexing scenarios and central controls for all this is a tools for easy to manage and report. For the Indexing Controls is to easy to control the Granualr and the exclusion of searched content and direct remove all the result of any site or thing. For the last is Relevance is improved about the search algorithms to extraction the best result for the enterprise content. Enterprise Content Management For a good enterprise it will think about how to improved customer communications and increased process efficiency, so normally enterprise will use Enterprise Content Management to organization all those unstructured content includes email, document, web pages and video. For this Enterprise Content Management feature also will at Microsoft SharePoint, so those enterprises would like to organization those unstructured it can use Microsoft SharePoint to easily extend content management to every information worker in an organization. The Enterprise Content Management at Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) only got one feature is functioning. The functioning feature is Document Information Panel, this feature is work like to edit the document properties of Microsoft Office system documents an integral part of the creative experience. Now the author would like to show is about Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got those feature but the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) dont have it. For the Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0 (WSS) dont have those features got about 18 features. Those 18 features are included Business Document Workflow Support, Document Management Site Templates, Integration with Microsoft Information Rights Management (IRM), Document Action Bar, Retention and Auditing Policies, Records Repository, E-mail Content as Records, Legal Holds, High Fidelity Websites with Consistent Branding, Navigation Controls, Content Authoring, Content Publishing and Deployment, Site Templates, Page Layouts, Site Variations, Web content Editor, Slide Libraries, and the last one is Policies, Auditing and Compliance. For all those features actually are to do those customize document and all the content. Business Process Forms The comparison of Business Process Forms between the Microsoft SharePoint Service 3.0 (WSS) and the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) all the feature are not available on the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) because normally the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is for those small companies to use it so is no need the Business Process Form tool. On the Business Process Forms got 6 features, all included Browser-Based Forms, Centralized Forms Management and Control, Design Once Development Model, Form Import Wizard, Integrated Deployment Model for No-code Forms, and the last one is Compatibility Checker. For the Business Process Forms on the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is provide a built-in automatic approval of workflow templates, review and archiving process, and also can create, maintain and analyze workflow to simplify your enterprise. The Business Process Form can also collect all those verify from the Microsoft Office client application, if the right to use this information every day. Business Intelligence This Business Intelligence actually is same as Business Process Form at Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 is dont have any feature to use it. But for the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is not same because SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) got 11 features to use it. The Business Intelligence is included Integrated, Flexible Spreadsheet Publishing, Share/ Manage/ and Control Spreadsheets, Web-based Business Intelligence Using Excel Services, Data Connection Libraries, Business Data Catalog, Business Data Web Parts, Business Data Actions, Integrated Business Intelligence Dashboards, Report Center, Key Performance indicators, and the last one is Filter Web Parts. The Business Intelligence on the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) is providing an infrastructure to the decision makers to easy access all those information at anywhere and anytime. Business Intelligence not just for decision maker is also can help worker to keep update information, whether is on the desktop or over the web site. Management The Management tool on the both version is fully available to use it, because Management tool is basic thing to management object model, administration rights, re-parenting, provision the core component of SharePoint, and the last one is the usage analytics. For the feature of the Management got 6 included Configuration Management, Administration User Interface, Delegation, Re-Parenting, Provisioning, and Usage Analytics. Platform For the Platform of the Microsoft SharePoint can separate to 5 categories. The 5 categories got storage, security, management, deployment, site model, and the extensibility. In all this 5 categories totally got 57 features on the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) but for the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) got 51 features. For the 6 feature is not available on Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WS) included Notification Service, Extensibility and Programmability of Search, Excel Spreadsheet Developer Reuse and Extensibility, LDAP Pluggable Authentication Provider, Single Sign-On (SSO), and the last one is the Inteoperand Integration. The Notification Service is to can customizable the alert to the user with automatically and without subscribing in advance, the Extensibility and Programmability of Search is for comprehensive access to Microsoft Search feature. For the Excel Spreadsheet Developer Reuse and Extensibility is to do access to more secure when using web servic es. For the features of LDAP Pluggable Authentication Provide and Single Sign-On (SSO) is actually about the security and authentication when using the Microsoft SharePoint. The last feature is not available on Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is Inteoperand Integration, the Inteoperand Integration actually is those XML Support, SOAP Support, Web Services, Open API and Object Model and WSRP. 1.3 What are document libraries? Document Libraries is based on Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 to collection all the document to share for everyone. Most likely the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0s document feature is going through to the document libraries. As part of document management planning should determine the best part for the document libraries organizations needs. For the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 got two type of document libraries included Document Library and Picture Library. The Document Library is for the general document storage, the Picture Library is for picture storage to share or manage the picture and reuse digital picture. (Plan document libraries (Windows SharePoint Services), 2006) 1.4 Pros and Cons about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0(WSS) In this topic the author will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). 1.4.1 Pros about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0(WSS) With providing the new features by Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS), a company or business can get a lot of benefits on it. The benefits can be separate to 4 types included easy, security, efficiency, and save cost. Easy Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is providing the easy to use collaborative tools to create organization document, receive notification, blog, and wiki to let people connecting with the resource and information they need. This benefit also including easy managing and easy to scale. Security The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) bring the benefit of security is about the advanced administrative control, for this advanced administrative control will increase the security of information resources and will better control all about the site memberships, permission, and storage limit. Efficiency The Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is easy to use to will bring out another benefit. Another benefit is efficiency, all because easy to use so will get users up to speed quickly. Save Cost For the SharePoint product, the Microsoft SharePoint Service is free of charge and the Microsoft SharePoint Server with five client access license already US dollar thousand something, if want more to add more is also need to charge more and if want to buy the license for external connector license for one server is about $30,000 so is very expensive if compare with the Microsoft SharePoint Services. 1.4.2 Cons about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) The Cons about using Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) is not suitable for using in business company because in SharePoint Services product is do not have any feature for business if compare with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS). The Microsoft SharePoint Server got the entire feature about the business process forms and business Intelligence so SharePoint Server is more suitable for Business Company. (SolutionBase: Understanding the differences between SharePoint Portal Server and the Windows SharePoint Services, 2005) 1.5Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) is a new firewall system to ensure all the unwanted traffic or unknown users from the internet kept it out of an organizations network. Forefront TMG not just use for external network is also can to use in internal network to provide internal users with selective access to internet resource and internet users with selective access to internal resources. Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) is following the ISA Server 2006 to build out the next level of firewall system. Forefront TMG is the next lever of ISA Server 2006 so is also will successor all the feature of the ISA Server 2006, but not just successor. The Forefront TMG also added the new feature application-layer intelligence and the anti-malware to improve the firewall usability, security, and the functionality. Forefront TMG also provided a new policy which used for SharePoint protection through integration with the Microsoft SharePoint Services and Microsoft Forefront Protection for SharePoint Services. (Forefront Threat Management: Overview, 2009) 1.5.1 How Forefront TMG works as a Firewall A firewall is designated which between trusted network and untrusted network. For example, the trusted network is a corporate network and the untrusted network is the internet so want to protect the corporate must put a firewall in between. Normally the firewall is set at the Perimeter Zone, so the firewall can filter all the traffic from untrusted network and trusted network. The firewall is configured with the traffic filtering rules that define the types of network traffic that will be allowed to pass through. Packet Filtering Packet Filtering is check the packet header information for all packets is arrived to the firewall, when the packet filtering check all the header information such as sources address and the destination address. If the packet filtering policy is match with header information it will allow to pass thought the firewall otherwise it will drop the packet or not forwarded thought the firewall. (Forefront Threat Management Gateway: features, 2010) Stateful Filtering Stateful Filtering is to keep track all the network connection such as TCP or UDP. For the firewall is programmed to distinguish the packet isnt legitimate to pass though the firewall, and only the packet is matching the known connection just will allowed by the firewall. (Forefront Threat Management Gateway: features, 2010) Application-Layer Filtering Application-Layer Filtering is to determine whether the packet is allowed or not to pass though the firewall. The application will open the entire packet to examine the data request from the internet web server using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) GET commands, the application filter will check the packet and detect the GET commands. Allowed or not allow is determine by the GET command policy from application filter. (Forefront Threat Management Gateway: features, 2010) Spam Filtering Nows a day dont have a single tool or process can anti all the spam but the Forefront is providing a layered, multipronged and multifaceted to approach to reducing all the spam into the organization. For configure with the setting rules is at the spam filtering tab which is located in Forefront TMG. The Forefront TMG spam filtering includes such as Sender ID, Sender Filtering, Sender Reputation, IP Block, IP Allow, and the Recipient Filtering. For this entire feature in will filter inbound messages in a specific order to approach reducing spam. (Configuring Spam Filtering, 2010) Virus Filtering Forefront TMG is provide the virus filtering to use remove the entire virus before it entry to the organization network to harm the server and computer. Forefront TMGs virus filtering is scanning with multiple engines to detect and remove virus, for the multiple engines can up to five to detect virus. (Chapter2: Selecting and Configuring Antivirus Scan Engines, 2010) 1.6 How Forefront TMG enabled SharePoint Services Web Publishing When using SharePoint Services normally also will using the services to sharing all those file because it will improve all the process efficiency, worker productivity and reducing the cooperate operating costs. So now the SharePoint services is taking to the next level mean SharePoint Services Web Publishing, when publish the SharePoint Services to the internet the Forefront TMG can help the site to the external user without compromising the security of the cooperate. The Forefront TMG got few way to help secure the site to enabled SharePoint Services Web Publishing, all the ways are includes such as Access based on source networks, Access for only encrypted traffic (HTTPS) or for both encrypted and unencrypted traffic, Allowing caching, Access based on time, and the Access based on use groups. (Configuring SharePoint publishing, 2010) 1.7 Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint is software that integrates with SharePoint and Microsoft Forefront TMG to help organization for protect their document libraries from viruses, worm, spam, inappropriate content. For the Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint got 3 ways to protect SharePoint, these 3 ways are include such as Comprehensive Protection, Simplified Management, and the Integrated Protection. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: Overview, 2009) 1.7.1 Comprehensive Protection In Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint, it provides the real-time antivirus and manages multiple scanning engines. Then it also provides the multi-layer protection in SharePoint. Other important features are file filtering and eliminate single points of failure. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: features, 2009) 1.7.2 Integrated Protection In Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint is enabling to give Microsoft SharePoint Services high performance protection without compromising the performance of SharePoint services. It helped the administrator to monitor and manage their SharePoint server easily. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: features, 2009) 1.7.3 Simplified Management The simplifies management is provide the user friendly configuration by Forefront Protection, Forefront Protection is also provided the auto update and monitor collaboration security health so that will easily to know the SharePoint services security situation. (Forefront Security for SharePoint: features, 2009) 1.8 Conclusion In this chapter, the author had learnt about the features in Microsoft SharePoint Services. Microsoft Forefront TMG and Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint had given huge benefits for the SharePoint to protect and maintain the document libraries in an organization. To make the secure document libraries, understanding on these few software is very important before deploying in the network. Chapter 2: Review on the network infrastructure 2.1 Introduction On last chapter, the author had conducted studies about Microsoft SharePoint Services, Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint and Forefront Threat Management Gateway, as well as the problems when deploying those servers into a network. In this chapter, the content is about the planning of deploys the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) in Forefront TMG that based on scenarios that commonly used by todays businesses. Planning is one of the most fundamental aspects of deploying a new network application, no matters it is inside a large business organization or small businesses. As a good planning stage is the main point of deploying a network. Besides that, the author would also discuss the network infrastructure that available in the Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). 2.2 Hardware and Software Requirement 2.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirement for Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) Stand-alone The minimum hardware requirement for setting up a Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the deployment of Windows Internal Database will show as below: Component Minimum Recommended Processor 2.5  gigahertz (GHz) Dual processors that are each 3  GHz or faster RAM 1  gigabyte (GB) 2  GB Disk NTFS file system-formatted partition with a minimum of 3  GB of free space NTFS file system-formatted partition with 3  GB of free space plus adequate free space for your Web sites Drive DVD drive DVD drive or the source copied to a local or network-accessible drive Display 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 or higher resolution monitor Network 56  kilobits per second (Kbps) connection between client computers and server 56  Kbps or faster connection between client computers and server (Determine hardware and software requirements, 2010) Database For the basic installation, the Windows Internal Database it will automatically installed. If for the advanced installation on the stand-alone computer that already have install the Microsoft SQL Server, and ensure the computer are meets the hardware and software requirements for the database server. Operating System For the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) minimum requirement is Windows Server 2003 with the SP1 and the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) also can run on other Window Server 2003 edition such as: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Windows Components For the operating system must applied all the critical updates and must to configure the computer become a Web Server by enabling IIS6.0, common files, WWW, and the SMTP. If at Window Server 2008 must have IIS 7.0 installed to install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 with SP1. For another windows component also needed to install like Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 and the ASP.Net before install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). Server Farm The different between a stand-alone and server farm topology is that use more than one computer to host, for the following roles is including Front-end Web server and database server. Front- end Web Server Hardware and software requirement The minimum hardware requirement for setting up a Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) and the deployment of Windows Internal Database will show as below: Component Minimum Recommended Processor 2.5  GHz Dual processors that are each 3  GHz or faster RAM 2  GB More than 2  GB Disk NTFS file system-formatted partition with a minimum of 3  GB of free space NTFS file system-formatted partition with 3  GB of free space plus adequate free space for your data storage requirements Drive DVD drive DVD drive or the source copied to a local or network-accessible drive Display 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 1024  ÃƒÆ'-  768 or higher resolution monitor Network  · 56  Kbps connection between client computers and server  · For connections between computers in your server farm, 100  Mbps connection  · 56  Kbps or faster connection between client computers and server  · For connections between computers in your server farm, 1  Gbps connection (Determine hardware and software requirements, 2010) Operating System For the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) minimum requirement is Windows Server 2003 with the SP1 and the SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS) also can run on other Window Server 2003 edition such as: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Windows Components For the operating system must applied all the critical updates and must to configure the computer become a Web Server by enabling IIS6.0, common files, WWW, and the SMTP. If at Window Server 2008 must have IIS 7.0 installed to install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 with SP1. For another windows component also needed to install like Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 and the ASP.Net before install Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS). Database Server For the hardware and software requirement is same as front-end Web Server but the database server role must at least have SQL Server 2000 latest service pack or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP1 or later. 2.2.2 Hardware and Software Requirement for Microsoft Forefront TMG The minimum hardware and software requirement for setting up a Microsoft Forefront TMG show as below: (System requirements for Forefront TMG, 2010) 2.2.3 Hardware and Software Requirement for Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint The minimum hardware and software requirement for setting up a Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010 show as below: (Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint: System Requirement, 2010) 2.3 Study on the existing network infrastructure for SharePoint Services In this topic, the author will do some research about existing network for Microsoft SharePoint Services on the internet source. Some briefly explanation on the diagram will given that show as below: Figure 2.1 (Forefront Security for SharePoint: Extranet Solution, 2010) The author has found the diagram via internet site which is publishing by This diagram is a network diagram for a organization with multiple servers and multiple protection. A computer has been configured as a Forefront Security for SharePoint, Forefront Server Security Management Console, and the firewall is using the Intelligent Application Gateway 2007. In this network infrastructure is using two products to

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Population Growth in Perspective Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Pap

Population Growth in Perspective Introduction To anyone even remotely acquainted with the situation, the ever-expanding world population can easily be a cause of grave concern. Indeed, the simple realization that the total world population will most likely be doubling within the next century may seem to imply catastrophe. Considering the strain our current huge population puts on the world, is it not natural to presume that two times our number will spell disaster? While this is the view held by many prominent voices, there also is a less-noticed group of people who contend that the resiliency of the earth and the ingenuity of its people will keep the planet a decent place to live. In this paper, I attempt to critically examine various theories on the size of future population growth and consider what some of the possible results of this growth might be. In the end, I conclude that although there are significant development issues facing the world as a result of the expanding population, the world is probably not headed for ruin. Current Population Awareness The dramatic increases in world population over the last decades have not gone unnoticed. The media frequently covers issues related to population growth and control, making most people aware of at least some of the discussions surrounding world population. Many societal problems such as environmental destruction, the spread of virulent disease, and starvation are forecast as a result of the planet's increasing population. In fact, overpopulation is often perceived as the number one threat to the world because of its wide ranging effects. Here at Goshen, overpopulation is a popular topic for Senior Seminar papers. Virtually every year, at least one person i... ...93 Bailey, Ronald. Ed. The True State of the Planet. Free Press, New York. 1995 Brown, Lester and Kane, Hal. Full House. W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1994 Cassen, Robert. Population and Development: Old Debates, New Conclusions. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick. 1994 Cohen, Joel. How Many People Can the Earth Support?. W.W. Norton and Company, New York. 1995 Ehrlich, Paul. The Population Bomb. Ballantine Books, New York. 1968 Holland, 1993, as quoted in How Many People Can the Earth Support? Lutz, Wolfgang. The Future of World Population. Population Reference Bureau, June, 1994 Spengler, J.J., as quoted in Population: A Clash of Prophets, ed. Edward Pohlman. Mentor Books, New York, 1973 "That Population Explosion", TIME magazine, January 11, 1960 World-wide web site: Web 1:

Friday, October 11, 2019

Final Essay: Veteran’s Education Essay

In the essay â€Å"The Veterans are coming! The Veterans are coming!† by Edward F. Palm, the author mentioned that he continued his education by attending school after his Marine duties. Palm directed his messages of the essay toward the students and faculties at colleges on how to allow veterans to feel welcome to the school. Through the usages of his personal stories as a veteran himself, the author can also give advices to future veterans who wish to return to school. In order to present his ideas, Palm relied on his ability to utilize logos, pathos, and ethos appeals to allow audiences to believe in his credibility. The author used logical appeal to show the audiences the benefits that veterans get after serving the war since 1945. The door of opportunity had open for veterans through the laws of the World War II GI Bill, which allowed tuition fees, books, living allowance. Moreover, the GI bill also allows veterans to transfer their educational benefits to their spouses or children (Palm 790). With this detail, the author relied on the integrity of the Congress act (GI Bill) to explain that Veterans are encouraged to continue their education after they have finished their duties in the service. By years of serving wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, veterans will get financial supports and many other educational benefits that are given to them as rewards for their service. Many veterans are allowed to enter the door of education with many benefits. Yet, the author mentioned that veterans who came back from the wars were not â€Å"one-hundred percent welcomed† to continue their education in the colleges and universities. The author used emotional appeal to show the audiences how the veterans feel when they go to school. The author stated, â€Å"Either way, we in academe stand to gain. The question is, are we really ready to welcome today’s veterans into our midst?† (Palm 790). Representing for other veterans, the author showed the audiences his concerns of how veterans are treated. The author mentioned that veterans felt that they are the target of suspicions by many schools because people view veterans negatively through stigmas that are â€Å"repeatedly portrayed in the media as psychologically  maimed and socially debilitated and, therefore, potentially dangerous† (Palm 791). For this reason, he presented a list of advices to the schools from his own perspective as a war veteran to create changes toward a more â€Å"veteran-friendly school†. Standing up for veterans, the authors apply ethical appeals toward the audiences to ask for fair treatment toward the veterans. The author proposed five advices of giving veterans reasonable treatments. One of the advices was that the author proposed that â€Å"treat veterans as you would any other students.† With this in mind, the author expressed that veterans do not want any special attention and wished that classmates and professors to view them as any other students. Moreover, the author mentioned that many people came up to veteran students and thank them for their services (Palm 792). The author mentioned that it could make veterans feel uncomfortable. To further explain, the author said that many veterans would misunderstand the sincerity thank as â€Å"I’m glad you went so that my son or daughter didn’t have to go.† Listing his advices out for the audiences, the author tried to convince the audiences to take his advices of proper ways to view and treat veterans in school. Throughout the essay, Palm mentioned how much veterans are looking forward for their future education after the war. With the support of his personal stories, the author hoped to sway the audience into believing that veterans do not deserve to be treated differently. Work Cited Lunsford, Andrea A., John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. (2012). _Everything’s an Argument with Readings._ 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Palm, Edward. â€Å"The Veterans Are Coming! The Veterans Are Coming!† Everything’s an Argument with Reading. Ed. Lunsford, Andrea A., John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Implications for Social Wellness and Development

I chose this article because it was very interesting to me. When you are growing out of adolescence into adulthood, you never think of the psychology that is involved in your growing. You don’t think about how and what influences the person you are becoming or the person that you want to be when you reach adulthood. During this stage of social development, you learn more about what you like, how you love and the actual wellness that you are working toward. Most people will never think of this, they think that life is life and that you are just supposed to live it. They have no idea of the development and the consequences that could come from poor judgment. I know that I never thought of this and it took me until I was 23 years old to figure out what I wanted out of my life because before that I just coasted through it carelessly, never worrying about the consequences. The major problem with this is that when an adolescent graduates high school, most of them move out of their parents’ home and into their own apartment or into a dorm. There, they basically have no rules and don’t have to worry about the consequences of their actions. If I had to write a research paper on this subject, I would definitely use this article. There is so much information throughout; there are even diagrams and illustrations. I found the diagram The Indivisible Self: An Evidence-Based Model of Wellness very informative and interesting. There was also the purpose of study and hypothesis where there were five hypotheses, the method and the instruments used to conduct this study. The subscales were very informative as well. The results and the discussion were also very stimulating. I find that psychology is a very complex study that requires much critical thinking but I am loving this subject. You learn so much about yourself and everyone around you.

Reflections on Transgender Essay

Before going to the transgender workshop, I have already had a mindset of gender stereotype and I have never thought of accepting the sexual minorities like trans and homosexual people. I was raised in a traditional and conservative family that my parents showed me that a man should be the head of the family because he is the breadwinner so all family members have to rely on him. On the other hand, a woman should always listen to her husband and stay at home to serve her husband and take care of the children. Family is the primary socializing agent that I learn how a family functions by observational learning. Moreover, I was taught in school that how girls and boys should behave without questioning the reason why I should behave like that. The formal, informal and hidden curriculum in school shaped my thought about gender. For instance, boys should be active and girls should be quiet in class. Socialized by family and school for a long time, I internalized the gender stereotype made by the culture of society so I admitted that I had a closed-mind before. I now understand why students are inculcated with this kind of gender stereotype. It is because capitalists want to maintain their power and heterosexual domination in a patriarchy society so they labeled the minority as abnormal. According to the conflict theory of Karl Marx, the education systems produce the ideology of gender stereotype so as to maintain and legitimate the base created by capitalists who control the means of production. I have learned to think in a critical manner because many of our mindsets are shaped by society. We have to question whether they are rational before accepting those thoughts. After attending the transgender workshop, I had a brief understanding about what transgender is. Transgender means that people identify themselves as another sex different from their biological sex. Their gender identity and gender expression are different from their biological sex and gender role constructed by society. For example, some of them are male at birth but they id entify themselves as female. We called them MtF (male to female) and another type is called FtM (female to male). Mainly, trans people are divided into two groups, the Crossdresser, who like to dress up as a different sex and the Transexual, who have undergone sex reassignment surgery. From the sharing of two trans people, Fei (a MtF) and Siu Keung(a  FtM), I know that being a trans person is tough because he or she has to face a lot of difficulty in daily life such as being questioned by family and friends as well as being discriminated against in society that make them have low self-esteem. Like Fei, he discovered that he liked a boy when he was in Form 3 or 4 and then his classmates humiliated him so he hated himself very much at that time and he even tried to commit suicide. I can see that peer is another socializing agent that affects our mindset of who we are and what we are supposed to behave. If we violate the expected behavior of society, we will be regarded as freak and abnormal. In order not to be isolated or labeled as abnormal, we follow the main stream and hide the side that what we actually are. Also, I can see that only the hegemonic masculinity is being accepted among people through Fei’s experience. He was once invited to a themed party a nd he wore a dress to go to the party. However, his friends asked him not to wear dress to come again. Feminine masculinity is not acceptable. Everything has its diversity but people tend to divide things into binary opposition. The one who owns power decides which character is the â€Å"right† and normal one and the other is regarded as â€Å"wrong† and abnormal. It is obviously a power struggle. Trans gender people are leading a difficult life. In Hong Kong, there are approximately 200-300 trans people (Leung, 2012). Many of them are like Fei that they have to behave â€Å"normal† in front of other people and they could only be the true self when they are alone. Trans people will also consider their behaviors as abnormal or even consider themselves as a psychopathy. As many of them are reluctant to find help, they are in lack of people to share their feelings that make them feel lonely and helpless. Some of them many even hurt their reproductive organs or commit suicide. Apart from the lacking in mental support, the institution in Hong Kong doesn’t provid e enough support for trans people. Until now, there is no law to protect trans people, as they are not included in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance. Only those who are judged to have Gender Identity Disorder can be protected under Disability Discrimination Ordinance. (Leung, 2012) Yet, in the mean time, trans people are labeled as disable as well as having mental disorder, which is another kind of discrimination. Also, health care system in Hong Kong is not comprehensive enough for trans people. At present, there are only two hospitals, which are Prince of Wales Hospital and the sex clinic in Castle  Peak Hospital, that provide transgender medical diagnostic services so trans people have to wait about seven weeks to see the doctor (Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients, 2013). Knowing what tough situation that the trans people are facing, I feel sympathy for them and I will now show my respect to trans people. I used to think that the Crossdresser was abnormal and disgusting. Now, I question why women can dress like men but men cannot dress like women. It is unfair to men that they will be criticized and discriminated against if they dress like women. Also, the media uses language to derogate the Crossdresser such as calling them ladyboy â€Å"ä º ºÃ¥ ¦â€"â€Å". Like Fei, he likes wearing dress since he was small but he has tried to throw away all his dresses as his mother and girlfriends did not accept that. It is hard for him not to be the one he wanted to be and he had spent years being the one he hated. I will consider crossdressing as a hobby of trans people because they just spend time on something they like to do. Also, we should not criticize their act because it does not do any harm on other people. In addition to the Crossdresser, transsexual people have to master up their courage to undergo sex reassignment surgery as it is not as easy as we think. In fact, it is a long process. They have to first get a referral letter from doctors, social workers or psychologists and they must pass the two-year mental and psychological evaluation process including living as another sex for one year. Next, they can be defined as gender identity disorder. After that, they are referred to public hospital to undergo surgery. In fact it is dangerous for them to undergo sex reassignment surgery, especially the FtM people. There is a high risk of injury in penile reconstructive surgery and the success rate is low. Also, they have to take hormones. According to some medical studies, there will be some long-term side effects of taking female hormones. For example, the risk of having breast cancer will be higher and the load of the liver will be increased (Transgender handbook, 2012). I appreciate their determination that they would rather sacrifice their health in order to be their true selves. As Goffman said, gender is something that an individual actively do, we can choose to be a man or a woman, as we like. In this post-modern age, queer theory suggested that gender is fluid. A picture of the genderbread person shows that there are more than eighty combinations that an individual can be. For example, she can be a female but identifying herself as a man  and she can express herself as androgynous and bei ng a bisexual. I know that when we do not understand an issue clearly, we have no right to criticize it. After knowing what transgender is, I choose to respect. We should be open-minded to accept the existence of diversity of gender in society or at least we should respect so that we all can live in a society with harmony. I have a friend who is a bisexual. I was once reluctant to befriend him. But now, I always show him my support and I am willing to listen to his difficulties in daily life to help him release stress. Also, I realized that I do not need to do something to fulfill what society expects me to do as a girl. For example, I do not need to be tender; I do not need to have long legs, big breasts or a slim body to impress men. I just have to be myself, which is unique. Work cited 1.Leung , J.(2012). Gossip boys and girls[Brochure]. Hong Kong: Transgender Resource Center. 2.Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients. (2013, October 9). Retrieved from of Hong Kong. (2012). Transgender handbook[Brochure]. Retrieved from